A Very Cherry February

Saturdays are meant for fashion and Mom and I attended a sweet little fashion show and luncheon as the guest of her friend, Shirley.  It was a nice little outing for both of us.  The fashions were from a local store and were admired by all and sundry.  The lunch was a variety of salads, roll and a cookie bag.  Tea, lemonade and coffee! It was all nicely put together by the ladies who attend Shirley's church. 

 Trying to take our picture together! How does a phone take a picture, again??
 The centerpiece for this President's Day Luncheon!  And look..raffle tickets!

Mom is always up for a good raffle!  


Which is good because we won one of the baskets!
 In honor of the president that chopped down the Cherry Tree (We know it's false, check Snopes, but the legend persists)

2 liters of Cherry Coke, boxes of cherry jello, cherry snack cakes, chocolate covered cherries, a large jar of maraschino cherries, Smucker cherry preserves, cherry Twizzlers, cherry pie filling, a hand crafted cherry fabric wallet and an a cherry fabric oven mitt!  

It certainly made this A Very Cherry February!

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Cheapchick said…
Sounds like a great day out with your Mom. What a great gift basket!
Paulette said…
What a fun outing, and how clever was the basket of goodies.
My name is Riet said…
How lucky you won that beautiful basket.
Anonymous said…
How cool you won one of the baskets! You and your mom look happy, very sweet. :)
Unknown said…
Thank you so very much for visiting my blog. A very special thank you for your kind words and the hug. Friendly support is so needed on those special days.
momto8 said…
yea! congrats on the basket win!! good for you!
Barbara Jean said…
so fun!! great job winning that basket.
barbara jean
SueLovesCherries said…
Hi Jeanne! What a fun idea for a basket - glad you won it!
LV said…
How lucky you both were to have a fun day and be a winner.
Aledia said…
Congrats on winning!! What a fun gift basket and how lovely that you were able to spend the day with your mom.

I'm now following you on Linky, I'd be more than happy if you would like to follow back!

Have a great night!
Patricia said…
Congrats on your win! I miss time with my parents I lost both of my parents and my grandfather between 2000 and 2009. It sucks not having parents.

I am your newest GFC & Linky Follower from the Linky Follower Party Hop.


Sally Annie Magundy said…
Such a sweet post! So glad you had such a lovely day with your mom (isn't it great that phones take pictures for moments like that?!) and a raffle win too. Congrats!

Happy Rednesday!
Jill said…
Now that's a basket of red goodies - your lucky day!!!
Live Laugh Rowe said…
Thank you so much for linking up to the blog hop! Wishing you all the best in your bloggy endeavors. Cheers!

Unknown said…
hey nice blog...want to follow each other??? let me know if u want to..and if u follow i'll follow back...take care.
Anonymous said…
Stopping by from the Grow your blog {blog Hop}! http://facebook.com/queenofsavings

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